Quirurgicos Alpha is now “Testilé”



In March 2019 Quirúrgicos Alfa S.A.S. Start a brand study and decide
hire the company Brain Line Brain Company specialists in management
brand, who, applying their method, focus on analysis, differentiation and
brand nutrition.

With the results obtained, several factors are defined that indicate that a rebranding process should be carried out; a short, concrete name is constructed that evokes a fundamental part of the essence of the brand.
In the naiming process (brand name creation), various approaches and name proposals were worked on, but the one that most captivated aurally and was closest to the company’s economic activity was Testilé. It was a short word that was evocative, had greater resonance and worked very well to create a strong new brand.
With the results of each analysis and thinking about 4 factors:

The clients

Our growth

Cohesion with our human resources

Remembering our brand

We structure the portfolio by organizing the product lines, separating them into

  • Surgical Line
  • Aesthetic Line
  • Industrial Line and Supplies

When reading the name Testilé, we include a tagline (brand name or brand motto) that gives strength and support to the brand:
Well-being beyond a garment This is how our evolution will be focused on 4 factors:


Now we are TESTILÉ Well-being beyond a garment.


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